Lead generation and customer retention - Largest use of CRM by application

By now we all know that CRMs are way more than complex spreadsheets for customer data management systems. They have many different applications, ranging from marketing tools, to sales features, to customer support and service tools.

However, this Fortune Business Insights statistic shows us that the most common applications of CRMs are still for sales, that is, getting new leads and keeping customers happy by providing a great customer experience.

These applications make up about 32% of CRM usage. Going down the list after lead generation is customer support, contact management, automations like for email marketing, and then other tools like social media marketing and brand management. 

Statistics on CRM barriers to entry and use challenges 

While CRMs are getting easier to buy, onboard, and use, there are always some problems that cause some CRM barriers to entry. These statistics demonstrate some of those problems, along with other challenges or using a CRM platform.

50% - Percentage of sales managers who say CRM is difficult to implement 

This CRM statistic comes from inbound marketing giant HubSpot, which also offers a wealth of software advice and data on their blog. This statistic may seem a bit troubling: after all, half is half no matter how large your sales team is.

The fact that half of all sales leaders and managers openly admit that CRM implementation is a problem is a huge barrier for companies and sales reps to be able to take advantage of these sales process optimization tools

The good news is that CRM software is improving regarding ease of use, becoming more affordable and more customizable with every year. Now, you even have free online CRM and desktop options and open source CRM to choose from. We hope to see this percentage drop as barriers to CRM entry slacken.


Consumer Apps User Friendliness

<40% - Percentage of CRMs that have full-scale adoption in a company

There are many reasons why a company that implements a CRM fails to get everyone on board and fully taking advantage of the tools and features to boost sales productivity. According to this one study reported on by CRM solution SuperOffice, there are several reasons for this.

They are as follows: The technology actually only counts for part of this problem, according to 35% of people asked. 40% of people asked think it's a strategy and deployment issue.

Most importantly, 42% of people who were asked about why less than 40% of CRM implementations are fully successful said the problem was with people, that is, companies did not have CRM implementation experts or properly train their sales managers to help their teams with CRM onboarding.  

CRM Implementation Problems

Manual data entry - Biggest challenge using CRM

This statistic is less about barriers to entry and more about barriers to full and proper CRM usage.

What these figures, reported on by Statista from a HubSpot in-depth study of inbound marketing, show is that 23% of people say that manual data entry is one of the main barriers of beginning to use a CRM or challenges of using one regularly.

At 17%, the next barrier and challenge is a lack of integration with other tools.

After that, other barriers and challenges listed include sales funnel tracking difficulties, bad data, a lack of adoption or use by the managerial class, and of course, there is the barrier that it is (or seems) too complicated, though only 7% of those surveyed gave that answer.

CRM Challenges


CRM Biggest Challenges Worldwide


CRM market share statistics

The customer relationship management market share competition is getting fiercer by the year, both in terms of CRMs competing with other SaaS, as well as between different industries. CRM comparison statistics help us understand what’s really going on.

CRM market size in 2022 – Greater than $47 Billion

Statistic website Statista is the source for this highly impressive figure. This is the total worldwide market size of CRM as calculated in US dollars. That number has gone up from $24 Billion back in 2015, and $45 Billion from 2020.

The same source is also willing to put their forecast accuracy to the test by predicting the future market size of CRM across the globe. They say by 2025 it will be close to $50 Billion.

This projection demonstrates a compound annual CRM software market growth rate of 1.7% between 2020 and the 2025 forecast, or in dollar terms, almost $5 Billion dollars.

If you could put a dollar amount to the value of great customer data, then these statistics show how important customer data is now and will continue to be in the future.

CRM Revenues Worldwide


Salesforce - Leading CRM vendor since 2016 

This is one more set of statistics brought to you by Statista. It covers the market share divisions by some of the biggest names in CRM and business software. These vendors include Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Adobe, and others.

From 2016 until 2020, Salesforce has consistently maintained its position as the leading CRM vendor, capturing a significant portion of the market share. Throughout these years, Salesforce's market share ranged from 16.8% in 2018 to 19.6% in 2017. In the most recent year, Salesforce secured a market share of 19.5%, highlighting its continued dominance in the CRM industry.

Following closely behind Salesforce in the rankings are SAP and Oracle, both of which have consistently vied for the second position. Microsoft and Adobe entered the scene in 2017, making their mark in the CRM market. However, they have yet to reach the same level as Salesforce, SAP, and Oracle, with each of them never quite hitting the 5% mark in terms of market share.

These statistics underline the competitive landscape of the CRM market and highlight the ongoing success of Salesforce as the leading CRM vendor. As the market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these dynamics shift and whether new players will emerge to challenge the established leaders.

CRM Leading Vendor


Professional services - Largest CRM market share by industry

According to a study by Apps Run The World and reported on by Statista, the largest market share for industry-specific CRM goes to professional services, covering close to 30% of the CRM market. This is based on Salesforce’s data.

Professional services refer to highly skilled career people who often need some official certification to do their jobs, like lawyers, accountants, medical professionals, engineers, IT specialists and teaching professionals.

Next on the list is the manufacturing sector, at about 12%, then banking and financial services at roughly 9%, and finally, retail at about 8%.

However, it is in sectors like retail, especially ecommerce, where CRM is poised to become more and more dominant. This is also valid for industries like leisure, hospitality, restaurants and other personalized entertainment services.

Other CRM facts

3:1 - Ratio of sales reps who meet their quotas using a mobile CRM compared to those who do so without

Every good piece of SaaS these days needs to have some presence on mobile devices. Often, the web browser version is responsive to different screen sizes and adapts when accessed with a laptop, tablet or mobile device.

Some CRMs have dedicated mobile CRM apps which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

This statistic shows that sales reps who use mobile CRMs, they meet their sales quotas about 66% of the time, while sales reps who do not use mobile CRMs only hit their target sales numbers 22% of the time.

That’s a three-to-one ratio, and one not to be scoffed at if you are a salesperson needing to crush those conversion rates and get those bonuses. 

Social media monitoring - Most desired new CRM feature 

This statistic might seem a bit old and outdated, but still there are some useful insights in there (it’s from 2015). The results of this study featured in Statista show that social media monitoring was the most wanted new tool to be part of a CRM kit, getting 25% of this vote.

Just behind it at 24% is the ability to pull in new leads off of social media profiles, something a few of the best CRMs now do. Following these features are: having a mobile app, customer loyalty tracking, e-commerce integration, and territory assignment. 



How to use these CRM research figures: Our conclusion

In addition to the resources mentioned, there are countless other online platforms and research studies that provide a wealth of CRM research and statistics. However, we have taken the time to thoroughly review and compare these sources to bring you the most comprehensive and insightful collection of key CRM statistics. These statistics cover a wide range of areas, including CRM adoption rates, growth, revenue, and more.

The overarching conclusion that can be drawn from all of this data is that CRM is poised for continued growth and increasing importance. It is not only expected to gain more market share but also to penetrate new industries and sectors. This trend has been further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, as businesses recognize the necessity of CRM tools not only for sales teams but also for marketers and support agents.

Behind all the numbers and figures lie the customers themselves, who are at the heart of every business. The data consistently points to the fact that CRM is crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction. As a result, the demand for more advanced and effective CRM solutions will only continue to grow. Businesses are constantly striving for better CRM systems that can meet the evolving needs of their customers, ultimately leading to improved customer experiences and long-term success.

So, whether it's about increasing adoption rates, driving revenue growth, or enhancing customer satisfaction, the message is clear: businesses need to invest in CRM and strive for the best CRM solutions available. With the right CRM platform in place, businesses can effectively streamline their processes, improve sales productivity, and build stronger relationships with their customers. The future of CRM is undoubtedly bright, and it is crucial for businesses to embrace this powerful tool to stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.